
The Economic and Societal Benefits Deriving from the Presence of Hyundai and Kia in Europe (update)

Client: Hyundai Motor Company
Published: December, 2013

London Economics published updated figures on the contribution of Hyundai and Kia to the European economy. The key findings are: Almost 317,000 people owe their jobs to the presence of Hyundai and Kia in the European Union Hyundai and Kia contributed €2.1 billion in taxes and duties to European governments in 2012 The majority of […]

The Cost of Non-Europe: the Untapped Potential of the European Single Market

Client: European Commision – Bureau of European Policy Advisors (BEPA)
Published: October, 2013

While the growth-creating potential of the Single Market has long been recognised, evidence on the remaining untapped potential of the Single Market (where such potential lies, how much additional growth it could deliver, and which policy measures would help unlock it) was largely missing. London Economics, in association with PwC, were commissioned by the European […]

2012/2013 Annual Report on European SMEs

Client: EC DG Enterprise and Industry
Published: November, 2013

The 2012/13 report on European SMEs was prepared by a consortium comprising CARSA, DIW, DIW econ, Innova, London Economics, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (University of Manchester) and PwC Luxembourg. The report provides an overview of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and their contribution to growth and jobs, as emphasised in the Small […]

Lotteries in Europe

Client: European Lotteries
Published: November, 2013

The note published by European Lotteries first describes recent EU27 trends in the value of the sales of lottery products  and gross gambling revenue (the value of the sales of lottery products and prizes paid to buyers of such lottery products). Next it underlines the significant contribution of lotteries to society in terms of taxes […]

Lotteries in Europe

Client: N/A
Published: November, 2013

2013 EL Sustainable Gambling Conference, Sports Integrity in Europe and the Role of Lotteries, 12 November 2013 – Brussels.


Client: N/A
Published: October, 2013

Presentation, Global Money Transfer Summit 2013, 29-30 October 2013.

A European Single Point of Contact

Client: European Parliament
Published: June, 2013

Presentation of Study to the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, 27 June 2013, Brussels

Performance-based Full Policy Cycle for the Digital Single Market

Client: European Parliament
Published: October, 2013

A benchmarking exercise of a number of Digital Single Market policy initiatives recently proposed by the European Commission against the performance-based policy model shows that the current policy development and assessment process could be improved markedly by following the performance-based policy model set out in the present study.