
An Analysis of Teacher Mobility Within the European Union

Client: European Parliament
Published: December, 2008

London Economics were commissioned by the European Parliament to undertake an analysis of teacher mobility within the European Union. The study undertakes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of teacher mobility across the European Union Member States where information exists. It explores the relative benefits, costs, strengths and weaknesses of the various mobility programmes. On the […]

The Evolution of the High-volume Retail Sector in Europe over the Past 5 Years

Client: EESC Consultative Commission on Industrial Change
Published: July, 2009

This study aims to provide a complete and detailed insight of the evolution of high-volume retailers (HVR) in the food and clothing sectors in different EU Member States. The main conclusions from the analysis are the following. The number of HVR (firms with more than 5% market share) in the food sector is around 5 […]

The Importance of Wholesale Financial Services to the EU Economy 2009

Client: City of London Corporation
Published: September, 2009

This report investigates the role, structure and importance of wholesale financial services in the European Union. The specific topic for this year’s report is the EU’s wholesale finance market and its various competitors under a range of differing scenarios, such as changing demographics, the rise of Asia and emerging market economies, the impact of regulation […]

Study on Consumer Detriment in the Area of Dynamic Packages

Published: November, 2009

In a report published by EC DG Health and Consumers, London Economics has estimated consumer detriment in EU-27 in the area of ‘dynamic travel packages’. A ‘dynamic package’ is a holiday package where different tourist services (flights, car rental, accommodation, excursions etc.) are put together at the same time to fit the specifications of a […]

Study Analysing Possible Changes in the Minimum Rates and Structures of Excise Duties on Alcoholic Beverages

Client: EC DG Taxation and Customs Union
Published: May, 2010

This report for EC DG Taxation and Customs Union considers the arguments and evidence, for and against changes to the existing minimum duty rates for alcoholic beverages that apply across all EU Member States.  The overarching objective of the study is to examine whether the current structures of alcohol taxation and the minimum rates laid […]

Study on the Economic Benefits of Privacy-enhancing Technologies (PETs)

Client: EC DG Freedom, Security and Justice
Published: July, 2010

This report for the European Commission’s DG Freedom, Security and Justice investigates the economic benefits of privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) for data controllers, with a particular focus on SMEs. Based on consultations with data protection authorities in 12 Member States, as well as on a large-scale survey of businesses and a number of case studies detailing […]

The Nature and Impact of Hardcore Cartels

Client: Danish Competition and Consumer Authority
Published: January, 2011

This study analyses the nature and impact of hardcore cartels and other economic crimes based on a review of relevant academic literature. The study was commissioned by the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority and its findings feed into work being undertaken by a committee set up by the Danish Government with a mandate to assess […]

Study on the Costs and Benefits of Different Policy Options for Mortgage Credit

Client: N/A
Published: March, 2011

The costs and benefits of potential changes in the following four mortgage policy areas are considered in the study, which was published by the European Commission on 31 March 2011: pre-contractual information, the definition of the annual percentage rate of charge, early repayment and responsible lending and borrowing. The approach to assessing the costs and […]