
Study on Means to Protect Consumers in Financial Difficulty: Personal Bankruptcy, Datio in Solutum of Mortgages, and Restrictions on Debt Collection Abusive Practices

Client: Financial Services User Group via DG Internal Market and Services
Published: April, 2013

Commissioned on behalf of the Financial Services Users Group by DG Internal Market and Services, and authored by London Economics, this report examines all formal debt reduction solutions which allow consumers to return to a financially sustainable path by eliminating some or all of their debts, including providing a comprehensive description of: the availability and […]

The Economic and Societal Benefits of Deriving from the Presence of Hyundai and Kia in Europe

Client: Hyundai Motor Company
Published: February, 2013

The study highlights the contribution of Hyundai and Kia, two of the most successful car manufacturers operating in Europe, in a number of dimensions, namely: the contribution to employment and GDP; training and development of the labour force; the contribution to European R&D and innovation; the contribution to the development of the automotive supply chain […]

Research on EU Product Labelling

Client: EC DG Energy
Published: December, 2012

This study by London Economics, Ipsos MORI and AEA investigated the possibility of creating a product label which provides consumers with information about the environmental lifecycle performance of products (televisions, washing machines and light bulbs). The information may be added to the current EU Energy Efficiency label. Pan-European behavioural experiments  were used in conjunction with […]

Analysis of Developments in the Fields of Direct Investment and M&A – 2012 Report Part II: The EU, the BRICs and Other Emerging Economies

Client: EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2012

The study looks more closely into the evolution of FDI between the EU and the BRICs, considering where the EU’s position and prospects are, both as origin and as destination for BRIC FDI. Global investment trends show that over the past 15 years the BRICs, as well as other emerging economies, have become increasingly important […]

Analysis of Developments in the Fields of Direct Investment and M&A – 2012 Report Part I: Recent Developments

Client: EC DG Internal Market and Services
Published: November, 2012

The study examines recent trends in FDI and capital movements. Overall, the recovery in world-wide FDI witnessed in 2010 continued in 2011, after the sharp decline in the period 2007-09. In 2011, the level of worldwide inward FDI reached €1.1 trillion, increasing by 10.9% from its level in 2010. However, the 2011 level is still […]

Non-bank Financial Institutions: Assessment of Their Impact on the Stability of the Financial System

Client: N/A
Published: November, 2012

The study examines how non-bank financial institutions (in particular money market funds, private equity firms, hedge funds, pension funds, insurance undertakings and central counterparties; and UCITS and ETFs) had performed over the last decade and during the financial crisis. The report addresses the risks run by each of this type of institutions (credit, counterparty, liquidity, […]

Socio-economic Impacts – Evaluation of Norwegian Space Programs (with PwC)

Client: Ministry of Trade and Industry (Norway)
Published: July, 2012

An independent socio-economic impact assessment of Norway’s participation in the European Space Agency (ESA) and National Support Funds. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) was employed based on EC impact assessment guidelines, established economic principles and international best practice (e.g. UK government HM Treasury’s Green Book). Quantified additive benefits comprise wages/salaries (income tax, value added tax, retailer sales […]

GSA Releases 2012 Sat Nav Market Report

Client: The European GNSS Agency (GSA)
Published: May, 2012

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has published the second Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) Market Report. This second issue of the GSA’s annual report on the global GNSS market is based on an advanced forecasting model (the Market Monitoring and Forecasting Tool) developed and implemented by London Economics.