Publications in: Consumer behaviour and protection

Consumers’ Engagement in the Circular Economy: Results from a Large Scale Behavioural Experiment and Survey in the EU

Client: CHAFEA
Published: October, 2019

Divisional Director James Suter presented LE Europe’s study for the European Commission on consumer behaviour in the Circular Economy at the 2019 PLATE (Product Lifetimes and the Environment) conference on 20th September 2019 in Berlin. James explained how the findings of the study could be used by policy makers to increase consumers’ engagement in various […]

Pre-contractual Information in Retail Energy Markets – Experimental Consumer Research – October 2018

Client: ec-dg-justice-consumers
Published: November, 2018

The European Commission commissioned LE Europe, Deloitte and Ipsos to study pre-contractual information in retail energy markets. The study used desk research, stakeholder consultations, a consumer survey and a behavioural experiment to understand consumers’ decision-making, attitudes and switching behaviour, and how to improve clarity and comparability in energy prices, consumption and contractual information. The study […]

Online Market Segmentation – Experimental Consumer Research and Economic Valuation – August 2018

Client: ec-dg-justice-consumers
Published: September, 2018

The European Commission commissioned LE Europe, Deloitte and Ipsos to study online personalised pricing and offers and targeted advertising. The study used desk research, stakeholder consultations, mystery shopping, a consumer survey and a behavioural experiment to understand how e-commerce websites use consumers’ personal information, and consumers’ attitudes and behaviour when faced with personalisation online. The […]

Single Digital Gateway: How EU Could Meet Expectations of Citizens and Businesses? – March 2018

Client: european-commission
Published: March, 2018

A briefing by Dr Charlotte Duke for the European Commission on behalf of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee on the European Commission’s proposed regulation for a Single Digital Gateway.

Study on Consumers’ Decision-making in Insurance Services: A Behavioural Economics Perspective – November 2017

Client: ec-dg-justice-consumers
Published: November, 2017

This study focused on consumers’ decision-making in the non-life insurance market when purchasing domestically and cross-border. It tested ways to help consumers make better decisions using a behavioural experiment, collected complementary data on the supply side of the market, and examined potential savings consumers could make.

IPID Consumer Testing and Design Work – August 2016

Client: european-insurance-occupational-pensions-authority-eiopa
Published: August, 2016

EIOPA commissioned a consortium consisting of LE Europe, Ipsos MORI and Academy Design Partners to undertake consumer testing on the design of a standardised presentation format of an Insurance Product Information Document (IPID). The findings of the consumer testing, as presented in this report, were intended to assist EIOPA to reach a view on the […]

Understanding Consumer Vulnerability in the EU’s Key Markets – February 2016

Client: understanding-consumer-vulnerability-in-the-eus-key-markets-february-2016
Published: February, 2016

This study for the European Commission provides a new definition of vulnerable consumers, a new methodology for measuring consumer vulnerability and new insights into the actual patterns of consumer vulnerability. The large scale study employed stakeholder consultations, consumer surveys, focus groups and behavioural experiments across the EU28 plus Iceland and Norway

Study on the Coverage, Functioning and Consumer Use of Comparison Tools and Third-party Verification Schemes for Such Tools – March 2015

Client: european-commission-executive-agengy-for-health-and-consumers-eahc
Published: March, 2015

The European Commission has published the study on consumers’ use of comparison tools. As part of the study London Economics completed a behavioural experiment in 15 EU countries that investigated consumer understanding and use comparison tools. The study forms part of the evidence base used by the Commission to develop, together with stakeholders, a series […]

Consumer Protection Aspects of Financial Services

Client: European Parliament
Published: February, 2014

The financial crisis of 2007/2008 has clearly shown that inadequate consumer protection, especially in the US mortgage market, was a major contributor to financial instability. Moreover, many holders of sub-prime mortgages suffered considerable harm as a result of mis-selling or inappropriate selling. However, the USA is not the only country where weak consumer protection resulted […]

Voluntary Food Labelling Schemes Study

Published: January, 2014

This market study for the European Commission included a pan-European behavioural experiment to test consumer willingness to pay for products associated with voluntary food labelling schemes. The study also included a web sweep of voluntary food labelling scheme in Europe, a consumer survey and assessment of schemes performance with the requirements of the 2010 Commission […]