
The Impact of State Guarantees on Banks’ Debt Issuing Costs, Lending and Funding Policy

Client: N/A
Published: February, 2012

This study investigates the effectiveness of state guarantee schemes and ad hoc guarantees given to banks over 2008-10. The study analyses the market value of state guarantees as reflected in the costs banks faced in raising funds on wholesale financial markets and whether state guarantees influenced the funding and (ultimately) lending behaviour of banks. The […]

Basic Banking Services

Client: European Parliament
Published: January, 2012

Presentation to the European Parliament by London Economics.

Analysis of Developments in the Fields of Direct Investment and M&A (mergers and Acquisitions) – Part II

Client: EC DG Internal Market
Published: November, 2011

This report consists of three papers providing analyses of topics relevant to foreign direct investment: bilateral investment treaties, a financial transactions tax and investment screening mechanisms. Bilateral investment treaties An empirical analysis of the influence bilateral investment treaties (BITs) on the pattern of FDI flows in the EU was carried out. A gravity model of […]

Basic Banking Services

Client: European Parliament
Published: December, 2011

This briefing paper examines the current state of play in the access to basic banking services, as well as the expected benefits of providing such access for citizens as well as for cross-border trade, in particular e-commerce. It also identifies the banking services that would ideally be covered by any initiative and the main hurdles […]

McDonald’s Economic Footprint in Europe

Client: McDonalds
Published: November, 2011

This report examines McDonald’s economic footprint in Europe in terms of contribution to GDP growth, raw material sourcing, job creation and business opportunities via its franchising model. The analysis shows that McDonald’s continued to grow throughout the recession of 2007-09 and its growth has consistently exceeded EU GDP growth as well as the growth of […]