Tag Archives: stakeholder surveys and consultations
Study on the Impact of the Data Act Proposal on European Telecom Operatorsâ Offerings, Business Models, and Innovation
Client: | european-telecommunications-network-operators-association | |
Published: | October, 2022 |
Following the publication of the European Commissionâs Data Act proposals in February 2022, ETNO, the European Telecommunications Network Operatorsâ Association, commissioned LE Europe, in partnership with Plum Consulting and Wiggin LLP, to produce a study on the impact of the Data Act proposal on European telecom operators. The study investigated how the proposed new rules […]
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Study on Territorial Supply Constraints in the EU Retail Sector – November 2020
Client: | EC DG Grow | |
Published: | November, 2020 |
The study, commissioned by the EC Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and carried out by VVA Economics & Policy and LE Europe presents the results of a fact-finding mission on the effects of Territorial Supply Constraints (TSCs) on the Single Market as announced in the 2018 Communication A European retail sector fit […]
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2018/2019 SME Annual Report â Research & Development and Innovation by SMEs â November 2019
Client: | ec-dg-easme-ec-dg-growth | |
Published: | November, 2019 |
The annual report, prepared on a yearly basis as part of the SME Performance Review, provides a synopsis of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and an overview of the past and forecasted performance of SMEs from 2008 to 2021. Comparisons with partner countries outside the EU and with the […]
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2017/2018 SME Annual Report â SME Growing Beyond Borders – November 2018
Client: | ec-dg-growth | |
Published: | November, 2018 |
The annual report, prepared on a yearly basis as part of the SME Performance Review, provides a synopsis of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and an overview of the past and forecasted performance of SMEs from 2008 to 2020. Comparisons with partner countries outside the EU and with the […]
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IPID Consumer Testing and Design Work – August 2016
Client: | european-insurance-occupational-pensions-authority-eiopa | |
Published: | August, 2016 |
EIOPA commissioned a consortium consisting of LE Europe, Ipsos MORI and Academy Design Partners to undertake consumer testing on the design of a standardised presentation format of an Insurance Product Information Document (IPID). The findings of the consumer testing, as presented in this report, were intended to assist EIOPA to reach a view on the […]
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Study on the Functioning of the Consumer Credit Markets in the European Union – May 2014
Client: | EC DG Health and Consumers | |
Published: | May, 2014 |
The study assesses the degree to which Consumer Credit Directive (CCD) fulfilled its principal objectives, namely: a) fostering an internal credit market in the EU, with a positive impact, in particular on crossÂborder competition; and, b) providing a high level of protection of consumers regarding consumer credits. The study focuses on the impact of the […]
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Consumer Protection Aspects of Financial Services
Client: | European Parliament | |
Published: | February, 2014 |
The financial crisis of 2007/2008 has clearly shown that inadequate consumer protection, especially in the US mortgage market, was a major contributor to financial instability. Moreover, many holders of sub-prime mortgages suffered considerable harm as a result of mis-selling or inappropriate selling. However, the USA is not the only country where weak consumer protection resulted […]
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Study on the Impact of Directive 2007/64/EC on Payment Services in the Internal Market and on the Application of Regulation (EC) No. 924/2009 on Cross-border Payments in the Community
Client: | EC DG Internal Market and Services | |
Published: | July, 2013 |
The study, undertaken with iff and PaySys, examines the effects of Directive 2007/64/EC on payment services in the internal market (PSD) and Regulation (EC) No 924/2009 on fees and charges for cross-border payments (Regulation 924) and identifies a number of potential amendments to current version of the PSD. Â The report is based on four different […]
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Socio-economic Impacts â Evaluation of Norwegian Space Programs (with PwC)
Client: | Ministry of Trade and Industry (Norway) | |
Published: | July, 2012 |
An independent socio-economic impact assessment of Norwayâs participation in the European Space Agency (ESA) and National Support Funds. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) was employed based on EC impact assessment guidelines, established economic principles and international best practice (e.g. UK government HM Treasuryâs Green Book). Quantified additive benefits comprise wages/salaries (income tax, value added tax, retailer sales […]
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Basic Banking Services
Client: | European Parliament | |
Published: | January, 2012 |
Presentation to the European Parliament by London Economics.
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Basic Banking Services
Client: | European Parliament | |
Published: | December, 2011 |
This briefing paper examines the current state of play in the access to basic banking services, as well as the expected benefits of providing such access for citizens as well as for cross-border trade, in particular e-commerce. It also identifies the banking services that would ideally be covered by any initiative and the main hurdles […]
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Consumer Behaviour in a Digital Environment
Client: | European Parliament | |
Published: | August, 2011 |
In a study for the European Parliament, London Economics has analysed the extent to which digital opportunities impact on consumer behaviour and the interaction between consumers and businesses. At issue is how consumers benefit from the digital environment and whether and how they change their purchasing strategies. E-developments and firm behaviour that impact on consumer […]
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Study on Consumersâ Postal Practices and Socio-economic Needs in Terms of the Quality and Provision of the Priority Postal Service
Client: | ARCEP and DGCIS of Ministry of Economiy, Finance and Industry | |
Published: | June, 2011 |
The study focuses on the postal practices and needs of households and businesses, especially SMEs. The first part of the study examines the extent to which the postal service is important to users, the usersâ knowledge of postal products, their current postal practices, their sensitivity to the time it takes for a postal product to […]
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Quality of Services and Consumers’ Needs: Recent Evidence from France
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | June, 2011 |
19th CPDE, CRRI, Jersey, June 2011.
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Competition-promoting Consumer Behaviour
Client: | Danish Competition and Consumer Authority | |
Published: | March, 2011 |
The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority (DCCA) has published two reports analysing the interactions between consumer behaviour and competition in retail markets; one of which was written by London Economics. The study undertaken by London Economics analyses consumer behaviour during the purchasing processes and is based on a survey of 6,000 Danish consumers. The study […]
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Study on the Costs and Benefits of Different Policy Options for Mortgage Credit
Client: | N/A | |
Published: | March, 2011 |
The costs and benefits of potential changes in the following four mortgage policy areas are considered in the study, which was published by the European Commission on 31 March 2011: pre-contractual information, the definition of the annual percentage rate of charge, early repayment and responsible lending and borrowing. The approach to assessing the costs and […]
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Measuring Consumer Detriment from Postal Quality-Price Misperceptions in France
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | February, 2011 |
CCRP workshop, Aston University, Birmingham, February 2011.
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The Functioning of Retail Electricity Markets in the European Union
Client: | EC DG SANCO | |
Published: | November, 2010 |
London Economics, in cooperation with Ipsos, IBF Consulting and CRIOC, were commissioned by the EC DG Health and Consumers (SANCO) to examine the functioning of retail electricity markets in the European Union. Based on consumer surveys, stakeholder surveys and mystery shopping exercises carried out in the 27 Member States, the study shows that, although consumers […]
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Study on the Economic Benefits of Privacy-enhancing Technologies (PETs)
Client: | EC DG Freedom, Security and Justice | |
Published: | July, 2010 |
This report for the European Commission’s DG Freedom, Security and Justice investigates the economic benefits of privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) for data controllers, with a particular focus on SMEs. Based on consultations with data protection authorities in 12 Member States, as well as on a large-scale survey of businesses and a number of case studies detailing […]
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Study on Consumer Detriment in the Area of Dynamic Packages
Client: | EC DG SANCO | |
Published: | November, 2009 |
In a report published by EC DG Health and Consumers, London Economics has estimated consumer detriment in EU-27 in the area of âdynamic travel packagesâ. A âdynamic packageâ is a holiday package where different tourist services (flights, car rental, accommodation, excursions etc.) are put together at the same time to fit the specifications of a […]
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The Importance of Wholesale Financial Services to the EU Economy 2009
Client: | City of London Corporation | |
Published: | September, 2009 |
This report investigates the role, structure and importance of wholesale financial services in the European Union. The specific topic for this yearâs report is the EUâs wholesale finance market and its various competitors under a range of differing scenarios, such as changing demographics, the rise of Asia and emerging market economies, the impact of regulation […]
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An Analysis of Teacher Mobility Within the European Union
Client: | European Parliament | |
Published: | December, 2008 |
London Economics were commissioned by the European Parliament to undertake an analysis of teacher mobility within the European Union. The study undertakes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of teacher mobility across the European Union Member States where information exists. It explores the relative benefits, costs, strengths and weaknesses of the various mobility programmes. On the […]
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Evaluation of the CAP Policy on Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI)
Client: | EC DG Agriculture | |
Published: | November, 2008 |
The study is based on two elements. A descriptive part provides a detailed analysis of the development of the Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) schemes over the course of the evaluation period, including the regulatory framework and the implementation mechanism underpinning the schemes. The second part of the project focuses […]
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The Importance of Wholesale Financial Services to the EU Economy 2008
Client: | City of London Corporation | |
Published: | July, 2008 |
This report investigates the role, structure and importance of wholesale financial services in the European Union. The specific topic for this yearâs report is the EUâs wholesale finance market and its various competitors under a range of differing scenarios, such as changing demographics, the rise of Asia and emerging market economies, the impact of regulation […]
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Study on the Impact of Co-operative Groups on the Competitiveness of Their Craft and Small Enterprise Members
Client: | EC DG Enterprise and Industry | |
Published: | January, 2008 |
London Economics were commissioned by EC DG Enterprise and Industry to undertake an in-depth study on the impact of co-operative groups on the competitiveness of their craft and small enterprise members. The analysis undertaken was based on extensive identification of both co-operatives and their members across the European Union; primary data collection of information on […]
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Structure and Performance of Six European Wholesale Electricity Markets in 2003, 2004, and 2005
Client: | EC DG Competition | |
Published: | February, 2007 |
The report provides an in-depth assessment of the electricity wholesale markets in Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands and Great Britain with a view to determining how competitive markets were in 2003, 2004 and 2005. The report provides summary key results for traditional market structural indicators, electricity-specific measures of market structure and market outcome measures. […]
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Creating a Framework for Investment
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | November, 2006 |
7th ECTA Regulatory Conference, Brussels, November 17, 2006.
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Incentive Proposals for Quality of Service Measures in Finnish Electricity Distribution
Client: | EMV | |
Published: | November, 2006 |
This report, prepared for the Energy Market Authority of Finland (EMV) reviews how customer quality of service be regulated and recommends that the regulation include some form of incentives that result in rewards or penalties if measured targets are not met. It also proposes that specific regulations be enacted for separate service categories and reviews […]
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Investment and the Regulatory Framework
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | November, 2006 |
IDATE Foundation Seminar âReviewing the Reviewâ, Montpellier, November 14, 2006.
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The Impact of the Regulatory Framework on Investment Across the EU
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | October, 2006 |
Conference: Improving the Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications: Challenges for the Next Decade organised by CBKE (Uniwersity of WrocĂ âaw), CIL (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), WIK, and under the auspices of the Polish regulator UKE, University of Wroclaw, October 18-20, 2006.
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The Case for State Lotteries
Client: | European Lotteries and Toto Association | |
Published: | September, 2006 |
The report provides a comprehensive overview of the gaming market in the EU25 and assesses the likely impact of full liberalisation of gaming activities on lotteries and good causes funded by lotteries. The report also reviews the wider socio-economic effects of gaming.
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Study on the Economic Impact of Auditorsâ Liability Regimes
Client: | N/A | |
Published: | September, 2006 |
This study focuses on the market for statutory audits of large companies in Europe. It reviews first the state of the international market for audit firms in the EU. Next, it examines the insurance market for statutory audits. It then examines the likely short-run and long-run effects of the possible disappearance of one or more of […]
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E-communications Investment in the EU
Client: | LE Economic Brief | |
Published: | July, 2006 |
This Brief summarises research undertaken by London Economics for the European Commission. The research provides first data on investments in the electronic communications markets in the EU Member States and analyses sources of differences across Member States, sectors and competitors (incumbent versus new entrants). It also provides a comparative analysis of growth of the electronic […]
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An Assessment of the Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications â Growth and Investment in the EU E-Communications Sector
Client: | EC DG Information Society | |
Published: | July, 2006 |
The study provides first data on investments in the electronic communications markets in the EU Member States and analyses sources of differences across Member States, sectors and competitors (incumbent versus new entrants). Â Next, provides a comparative analysis of growth of the electronic communications sector in the EU and in other main geographical markets. Â Finally, it […]
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Impact of the Regulatory Framework on Investment Across Europe â an Update
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | May, 2006 |
MĂźnchner Kreis Conference â âThe Effectiveness of Electronic Communications Sector Regulation in Europeâ, Brussels, May 7, 2007.
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Empirical Analysis of Further Liberalisation in Norway
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | June, 2004 |
12th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics. Cork, Ireland. June 2-5, 2004.
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Study of the Consequences of Further Liberalisation of the Postal Market in Norway
Client: | Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications | |
Published: | December, 2003 |
This Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications provides consultancy advice on the consequences of further liberalisation of the postal market in Norway. The study evaluates the impact of postal liberalisation, based on qualitative analysis and quantitative modelling. Under each of the models, we assess the impacts on liberation across various scenarios, ranging […]
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Financial Markets and the Funding of Enterprises in the European Union: What Future?
Client: | European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions | |
Published: | July, 2003 |
This report uses scenarios to explore the future landscape of the financial services industry in the European Union. The question posed is whether the structure of business finance will shift towards greater reliance on capital markets, equity and bonds, and away from bank finance. After reviewing the key factors that drove change in the nineties, […]
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Working Conditions in Hotels and Restaurants: National Reports for France, Italy, Portugal and Sweden
Client: | European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions | |
Published: | October, 2002 |
The reports for European Foundation for the Improving of Living and Working Conditions assess the impact of trends such as globalisation, increased competition and developments in technology, and look at the role of social dialogue in the sectors. They also feature several examples of interesting and innovative practice at local and national level aimed at […]
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Working Conditions in Road Transport: National Reports for France, Italy, Portugal and Sweden
Client: | European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions | |
Published: | October, 2002 |
The reports for the European Foundation for the Improving of Living and Working Conditions assess the impact of trends such as globalisation, increased competition and developments in technology, and look at the role of social dialogue in the sectors. They also feature several examples of interesting and innovative practice at local and national level aimed […]