Tag Archives: qualitative analysis
Study on the Impact of the Data Act Proposal on European Telecom Operatorsâ Offerings, Business Models, and Innovation
Client: | european-telecommunications-network-operators-association | |
Published: | October, 2022 |
Following the publication of the European Commissionâs Data Act proposals in February 2022, ETNO, the European Telecommunications Network Operatorsâ Association, commissioned LE Europe, in partnership with Plum Consulting and Wiggin LLP, to produce a study on the impact of the Data Act proposal on European telecom operators. The study investigated how the proposed new rules […]
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Study on Territorial Supply Constraints in the EU Retail Sector – November 2020
Client: | EC DG Grow | |
Published: | November, 2020 |
The study, commissioned by the EC Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and carried out by VVA Economics & Policy and LE Europe presents the results of a fact-finding mission on the effects of Territorial Supply Constraints (TSCs) on the Single Market as announced in the 2018 Communication A European retail sector fit […]
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Pre-contractual Information in Retail Energy Markets â Experimental Consumer Research â October 2018
Client: | ec-dg-justice-consumers | |
Published: | November, 2018 |
The European Commission commissioned LE Europe, Deloitte and Ipsos to study pre-contractual information in retail energy markets. The study used desk research, stakeholder consultations, a consumer survey and a behavioural experiment to understand consumersâ decision-making, attitudes and switching behaviour, and how to improve clarity and comparability in energy prices, consumption and contractual information. The study […]
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Online Market Segmentation â Experimental Consumer Research and Economic Valuation â August 2018
Client: | ec-dg-justice-consumers | |
Published: | September, 2018 |
The European Commission commissioned LE Europe, Deloitte and Ipsos to study online personalised pricing and offers and targeted advertising. The study used desk research, stakeholder consultations, mystery shopping, a consumer survey and a behavioural experiment to understand how e-commerce websites use consumersâ personal information, and consumersâ attitudes and behaviour when faced with personalisation online. The […]
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Consumer Vulnerability Across Key Markets in the EU: Animated Infographic – November 2016
Client: | consumer-vulnerability-across-key-markets-in-the-eu-animated-infographic-november-2016 | |
Published: | November, 2016 |
Following the publication of LE Europes’ study into consumer vulnerability across the EU for DG Justice and Consumers, the European Commission has released an animated infographic which presents the key findings of the study, including the varying impact of vulnerability drivers across key markets.
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IPID Consumer Testing and Design Work – August 2016
Client: | european-insurance-occupational-pensions-authority-eiopa | |
Published: | August, 2016 |
EIOPA commissioned a consortium consisting of LE Europe, Ipsos MORI and Academy Design Partners to undertake consumer testing on the design of a standardised presentation format of an Insurance Product Information Document (IPID). The findings of the consumer testing, as presented in this report, were intended to assist EIOPA to reach a view on the […]
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Consumer Protection Aspects of Financial Services
Client: | European Parliament | |
Published: | February, 2014 |
The financial crisis of 2007/2008 has clearly shown that inadequate consumer protection, especially in the US mortgage market, was a major contributor to financial instability. Moreover, many holders of sub-prime mortgages suffered considerable harm as a result of mis-selling or inappropriate selling. However, the USA is not the only country where weak consumer protection resulted […]
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The Cost of Non-Europe: the Untapped Potential of the European Single Market
Client: | European Commision – Bureau of European Policy Advisors (BEPA) | |
Published: | October, 2013 |
While the growth-creating potential of the Single Market has long been recognised, evidence on the remaining untapped potential of the Single Market (where such potential lies, how much additional growth it could deliver, and which policy measures would help unlock it) was largely missing. London Economics, in association with PwC, were commissioned by the European […]
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Research on EU Product Labelling
Client: | EC DG Energy | |
Published: | December, 2012 |
This study by London Economics, Ipsos MORI and AEA investigated the possibility of creating a product label which provides consumers with information about the environmental lifecycle performance of products (televisions, washing machines and light bulbs). The information may be added to the current EU Energy Efficiency label. Pan-European behavioural experiments  were used in conjunction with […]
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Socio-economic Impacts â Evaluation of Norwegian Space Programs (with PwC)
Client: | Ministry of Trade and Industry (Norway) | |
Published: | July, 2012 |
An independent socio-economic impact assessment of Norwayâs participation in the European Space Agency (ESA) and National Support Funds. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) was employed based on EC impact assessment guidelines, established economic principles and international best practice (e.g. UK government HM Treasuryâs Green Book). Quantified additive benefits comprise wages/salaries (income tax, value added tax, retailer sales […]
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Consumer Behaviour in a Digital Environment
Client: | European Parliament | |
Published: | August, 2011 |
In a study for the European Parliament, London Economics has analysed the extent to which digital opportunities impact on consumer behaviour and the interaction between consumers and businesses. At issue is how consumers benefit from the digital environment and whether and how they change their purchasing strategies. E-developments and firm behaviour that impact on consumer […]
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The Nature and Impact of Hardcore Cartels
Client: | Danish Competition and Consumer Authority | |
Published: | January, 2011 |
This study analyses the nature and impact of hardcore cartels and other economic crimes based on a review of relevant academic literature. The study was commissioned by the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority and its findings feed into work being undertaken by a committee set up by the Danish Government with a mandate to assess […]
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The Functioning of Retail Electricity Markets in the European Union
Client: | EC DG SANCO | |
Published: | November, 2010 |
London Economics, in cooperation with Ipsos, IBF Consulting and CRIOC, were commissioned by the EC DG Health and Consumers (SANCO) to examine the functioning of retail electricity markets in the European Union. Based on consumer surveys, stakeholder surveys and mystery shopping exercises carried out in the 27 Member States, the study shows that, although consumers […]
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Economic and Social Impact of Software and Software-based Services (SSBS)
Client: | EC DG Information Society | |
Published: | August, 2010 |
The study evaluates the potential economic and social impact of software-based services in the EU and identifies the drivers of growth and competitiveness of the sector, the current barriers limiting the sector’s development, the policy actions needed to remove those barriers, and the economic and social impact of such actions.
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Study on the Economic Benefits of Privacy-enhancing Technologies (PETs)
Client: | EC DG Freedom, Security and Justice | |
Published: | July, 2010 |
This report for the European Commission’s DG Freedom, Security and Justice investigates the economic benefits of privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) for data controllers, with a particular focus on SMEs. Based on consultations with data protection authorities in 12 Member States, as well as on a large-scale survey of businesses and a number of case studies detailing […]
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Evaluation of the CAP Policy on Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI)
Client: | EC DG Agriculture | |
Published: | November, 2008 |
The study is based on two elements. A descriptive part provides a detailed analysis of the development of the Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) schemes over the course of the evaluation period, including the regulatory framework and the implementation mechanism underpinning the schemes. The second part of the project focuses […]
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Study on the Role and Regulation of Non-credit Institutions in EU Mortgage Markets
Client: | EC DG Internal Market | |
Published: | September, 2008 |
This study analyses non-credit institutions in EU Member State mortgage markets. The study identifies Member States where non-credit institutions are allowed to provide mortgage credit; provides information on the regulation and supervision of these undertakings; the funding techniques non-credit institutions are allowed to use; the size of the mortgage lending activities of non-credit institutions, both […]
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Increasing Early Settlement Charges for Personal Loans by OTP-Bank Hungary – Abuse of Dominant Position or a Rational Business Response to a Demand Shock
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | November, 2007 |
5th Annual Conference of the Association of Competition Economists (ACE), Toulouse, November 2007.
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IBPT Decision on the Approach to the Regulation of Price Squeeze in Telecommunications Markets
Client: | Institut Belge de Poste et Telecommunications | |
Published: | July, 2007 |
London Economics assisted the Institut Belge de Poste et Telecommunications with the development of IBPTâs guidelines on its approach to the regulation of price squeeze in telecommunications markets. LE, working with legal advisors McDermott Will & Emery/Stanbrook LLP, advised on regulatory practices in other countries, on the appropriate structure of the test and on the […]
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Incentive Proposals for Quality of Service Measures in Finnish Electricity Distribution
Client: | EMV | |
Published: | November, 2006 |
This report, prepared for the Energy Market Authority of Finland (EMV) reviews how customer quality of service be regulated and recommends that the regulation include some form of incentives that result in rewards or penalties if measured targets are not met. It also proposes that specific regulations be enacted for separate service categories and reviews […]
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Study on the Economic Impact of Auditorsâ Liability Regimes
Client: | N/A | |
Published: | September, 2006 |
This study focuses on the market for statutory audits of large companies in Europe. It reviews first the state of the international market for audit firms in the EU. Next, it examines the insurance market for statutory audits. It then examines the likely short-run and long-run effects of the possible disappearance of one or more of […]
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Calculating the Costs and Profitability of Services in Price Squeeze Investigations
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | July, 2006 |
IIR conference on Regulatory Cost Accounting & Reporting for Telecoms in Vienna, Austria. July 4, 2006.
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Study on the Returns to Various Types of Investment in Education and Training
Client: | EC DG Education Arts and Culture | |
Published: | December, 2005 |
London Economics were commissioned to undertake a large-scale project for the EU Directorate General for Education, Arts and Culture on the rates of returns to the investment necessary to achieve the Lisbon educational targets using the European Labour Force Survey. The study computed the private and social costs of achieving the Lisbon targets for different […]
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Securities Trading, Clearing, Central Counterparties and Settlement in EU 25 â an Overview of Current Arrangements
Client: | EC DG Competition | |
Published: | June, 2005 |
The report provides a description of the securities trading, clearing and settlement infrastructures of the cash equities and bonds markets in the 25 Member States of the EU (as of March 2005) and an assessment of the nature of the vertical agreements between the trading, clearing and settlement infrastructures.
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Structure and Functioning of the Electricity Market in Belgium in a European Perspective
Client: | CREG | |
Published: | October, 2004 |
London Economics was commissioned by the General Council of the âCommission fĂ©dĂ©rale de RĂ©gulation de lâElectricitĂ© et du Gazâ (CREG) to analyse whether, and to what extent, the current federal regulation makes the markets for production, trading and supply of electricity competitive or potentially competitive and, if not, what remedies could be implemented. The report […]
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Assessing the Key Economic Drivers for Change in the Current Business Climate
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | June, 2004 |
European Outsourcing Associationâs Conference. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. June 9-10, 2004.
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A Synthesis of the Mid-term Evaluations of the FIFG 2000-2006
Client: | EC DG Fisheries | |
Published: | March, 2004 |
This report for the European Commission – Directorate General For Fisheries summarises and highlights the key findings of 49 mid-term evaluations of the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance 2000-2006. The results of the report were presented at the conference organised by the European Commission “Steering Towards 2007-2013: What Financial Support for the Common Fisheries Policy […]
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Overview of EU25 Securities Trading, Clearing, Central Counterparties, and Securities Settlement
Client: | EC DG Competition | |
Published: | February, 2004 |
The report for the European Commission – DG Competition provides a pan-European overview of trading, clearing and central counterparties, settlement, and custody, of equity, corporate and government bonds, and the related infrastructures (exchanges, clearing institutions and central counterparties, central securities depositories and international central securities depositories at primary level and international central securities depositories and […]
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Study of the Consequences of Further Liberalisation of the Postal Market in Norway
Client: | Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications | |
Published: | December, 2003 |
This Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications provides consultancy advice on the consequences of further liberalisation of the postal market in Norway. The study evaluates the impact of postal liberalisation, based on qualitative analysis and quantitative modelling. Under each of the models, we assess the impacts on liberation across various scenarios, ranging […]
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Financial Markets and the Funding of Enterprises in the European Union: What Future?
Client: | European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions | |
Published: | July, 2003 |
This report uses scenarios to explore the future landscape of the financial services industry in the European Union. The question posed is whether the structure of business finance will shift towards greater reliance on capital markets, equity and bonds, and away from bank finance. After reviewing the key factors that drove change in the nineties, […]
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Comparing the Economic Performance of Family Businesses and Non-family Businesses
Client: | European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions | |
Published: | June, 2003 |
This report for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions reviews the performance of family and non-family businesses. LEâs work surveys the key characteristics of family businesses and examines the empirical evidence comparing performance with non-family businesses. Four themes appear salient in linking the key characteristics with the business performance: ownership […]
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London Economics Review of European Union Electricity Markets
Client: | ESB | |
Published: | April, 2003 |
This study reviews the regulatory regimes in the EU member states and examines how the differences in regulatory policy and openness to investment are likely to have had an impact on new investment.
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Assessment of Restrictions in the Supply of Professional Services
Client: | Irish Competition Authority | |
Published: | March, 2003 |
The London Economics/Indecon report analyses competition and restrictions in eight professions in 3 sectors: engineers and architects, medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dentists and optometrists in the medical sector and solicitors and barristers in the legal sector. The report notes that three types of restrictions are common across the eight professions. These are restrictions on entry […]
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Working Conditions in Road Transport: National Reports for France, Italy, Portugal and Sweden
Client: | European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions | |
Published: | October, 2002 |
The reports for the European Foundation for the Improving of Living and Working Conditions assess the impact of trends such as globalisation, increased competition and developments in technology, and look at the role of social dialogue in the sectors. They also feature several examples of interesting and innovative practice at local and national level aimed […]
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Working Conditions in Hotels and Restaurants: National Reports for France, Italy, Portugal and Sweden
Client: | European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions | |
Published: | October, 2002 |
The reports for European Foundation for the Improving of Living and Working Conditions assess the impact of trends such as globalisation, increased competition and developments in technology, and look at the role of social dialogue in the sectors. They also feature several examples of interesting and innovative practice at local and national level aimed at […]