Tag Archives: experiments
Behavioural Study on Consumers’ Engagement in the Circular Economy – October 2018
Client: | european-commission-consumers-health-food-executive-agency-chafea | |
Published: | October, 2018 |
The objective of this study was to provide policy-relevant insights on consumers’ engagement in the circular economy. The study involved several research tasks including a literature review across all EU countries as well as third countries, stakeholder interviews, consumer focus groups in 4 EU countries, an online consumer survey in 12 EU countries and an […]
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IPID Consumer Testing and Design Work – August 2016
Client: | european-insurance-occupational-pensions-authority-eiopa | |
Published: | August, 2016 |
EIOPA commissioned a consortium consisting of LE Europe, Ipsos MORI and Academy Design Partners to undertake consumer testing on the design of a standardised presentation format of an Insurance Product Information Document (IPID). The findings of the consumer testing, as presented in this report, were intended to assist EIOPA to reach a view on the […]
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Study on the Coverage, Functioning and Consumer Use of Comparison Tools and Third-party Verification Schemes for Such Tools – March 2015
Client: | european-commission-executive-agengy-for-health-and-consumers-eahc | |
Published: | March, 2015 |
The European Commission has published the study on consumers’ use of comparison tools. As part of the study London Economics completed a behavioural experiment in 15 EU countries that investigated consumer understanding and use comparison tools. The study forms part of the evidence base used by the Commission to develop, together with stakeholders, a series […]
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Study on the Impact of the Energy Label – and Potential Changes to It – on Consumer Understanding and on Purchase Decisions – January 2015
Client: | EC DG Energy | |
Published: | January, 2015 |
This behavioural economics study for the European Commission investigates the impact of potential changes to the EU energy label on consumer understanding and purchasing decisions. The pan-European study uses an online and field experiment combined with a consumer survey and focus groups to provide insights on the performance of alternative label designs.
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Study on the Functioning of the Consumer Credit Markets in the European Union – May 2014
Client: | EC DG Health and Consumers | |
Published: | May, 2014 |
The study assesses the degree to which Consumer Credit Directive (CCD) fulfilled its principal objectives, namely: a) fostering an internal credit market in the EU, with a positive impact, in particular on crossborder competition; and, b) providing a high level of protection of consumers regarding consumer credits. The study focuses on the impact of the […]
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Barriers to Cross-border Health Care: Can Behavioural Insights Help?
Client: | N/A | |
Published: | September, 2013 |
Presentation at European Commission conference on Applying Behavioural Insights to Policy-Making 30th September 2013.
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Research on EU Product Labelling
Client: | EC DG Energy | |
Published: | December, 2012 |
This study by London Economics, Ipsos MORI and AEA investigated the possibility of creating a product label which provides consumers with information about the environmental lifecycle performance of products (televisions, washing machines and light bulbs). The information may be added to the current EU Energy Efficiency label. Pan-European behavioural experiments were used in conjunction with […]