Publications in: Consumer behaviour and protection
Lotteries in Europe
Client: | European Lotteries | |
Published: | November, 2013 |
The note published by European Lotteries first describes recent EU27 trends in the value of the sales of lottery products and gross gambling revenue (the value of the sales of lottery products and prizes paid to buyers of such lottery products). Next it underlines the significant contribution of lotteries to society in terms of taxes […]
Lotteries in Europe
Client: | N/A | |
Published: | November, 2013 |
2013 EL Sustainable Gambling Conference, Sports Integrity in Europe and the Role of Lotteries, 12 November 2013 – Brussels.
A European Single Point of Contact
Client: | European Parliament | |
Published: | June, 2013 |
Presentation of Study to the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, 27 June 2013, Brussels
Living Standards in the EU After the Financial Crisis â UK Records Among the Largest Declines
Published: | April, 2013 |
This London Economicsâ Noteworthy Statistics Briefing investigates the change in living standards across the EU27 following the financial crisis, using the latest data made available by Eurostat. The analysis focuses on two measures of standards of living: the median equivalised disposable income and the severe material deprivation rate.
Research on EU Product Labelling
Client: | EC DG Energy | |
Published: | December, 2012 |
This study by London Economics, Ipsos MORI and AEA investigated the possibility of creating a product label which provides consumers with information about the environmental lifecycle performance of products (televisions, washing machines and light bulbs). The information may be added to the current EU Energy Efficiency label. Pan-European behavioural experiments  were used in conjunction with […]
Behavioural Biases and Consumer Detriment
Client: | N/A | |
Published: | May, 2012 |
International Conference on Financial Services, Hamburg, 10th May 2012
Quality of Services and Consumers’ Needs: Recent Evidence from France
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | June, 2011 |
19th CPDE, CRRI, Jersey, June 2011.
Study on Consumersâ Postal Practices and Socio-economic Needs in Terms of the Quality and Provision of the Priority Postal Service
Client: | ARCEP and DGCIS of Ministry of Economiy, Finance and Industry | |
Published: | June, 2011 |
The study focuses on the postal practices and needs of households and businesses, especially SMEs. The first part of the study examines the extent to which the postal service is important to users, the usersâ knowledge of postal products, their current postal practices, their sensitivity to the time it takes for a postal product to […]
Competition-promoting Consumer Behaviour
Client: | Danish Competition and Consumer Authority | |
Published: | March, 2011 |
The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority (DCCA) has published two reports analysing the interactions between consumer behaviour and competition in retail markets; one of which was written by London Economics. The study undertaken by London Economics analyses consumer behaviour during the purchasing processes and is based on a survey of 6,000 Danish consumers. The study […]
Measuring Consumer Detriment from Postal Quality-Price Misperceptions in France
Client: | LE Presentation | |
Published: | February, 2011 |
CCRP workshop, Aston University, Birmingham, February 2011.