
The Case for State Lotteries

Client: European Lotteries and Toto Association
Published: September, 2006

The report provides a comprehensive overview of the gaming market in the EU25 and assesses the likely impact of full liberalisation of gaming activities on lotteries and good causes funded by lotteries. The report also reviews the wider socio-economic effects of gaming.

Incentive Proposals for Quality of Service Measures in Finnish Electricity Distribution

Client: EMV
Published: November, 2006

This report, prepared for the Energy Market Authority of Finland (EMV) reviews how customer quality of service be regulated and recommends that the regulation include some form of incentives that result in rewards or penalties if measured targets are not met. It also proposes that specific regulations be enacted for separate service categories and reviews […]

Impact Assessment Relating to the Economic and Governance Evolution of Space in Europe

Client: EC DG Enterprise and Industry
Published: April, 2007

London Economics were one of the contributors to this RPA led study for the European Commission’s DG Enterprise & Industry. The research reviewed the market for space and space related services, including the development of a number of demand scenarios, and also reviewed the roles of the key public sector actors and undertook an analysis […]

IBPT Decision on the Approach to the Regulation of Price Squeeze in Telecommunications Markets

Client: Institut Belge de Poste et Telecommunications
Published: July, 2007

London Economics assisted the Institut Belge de Poste et Telecommunications with the development of IBPT’s guidelines on its approach to the regulation of price squeeze in telecommunications markets. LE, working with legal advisors McDermott Will & Emery/Stanbrook LLP, advised on regulatory practices in other countries, on the appropriate structure of the test and on the […]

Study on the Impact of Co-operative Groups on the Competitiveness of Their Craft and Small Enterprise Members

Client: EC DG Enterprise and Industry
Published: January, 2008

London Economics were commissioned by EC DG Enterprise and Industry to undertake an in-depth study on the impact of co-operative groups on the competitiveness of their craft and small enterprise members. The analysis undertaken was based on extensive identification of both co-operatives and their members across the European Union; primary data collection of information on […]

Economic Impacts of Increased Flexibility and Liberalisation in European Spectrum Management

Client: A Group of European Telecom Companies
Published: April, 2008

London Economics was commissioned by a group of European communications sector companies to carry out an independent review of the available evidence examining the costs and benefits of greater flexibility in the use of radio spectrum. This report sets out the findings of that review and is based on existing studies that examine the actual […]

The Importance of Wholesale Financial Services to the EU Economy 2008

Client: City of London Corporation
Published: July, 2008

This report investigates the role, structure and importance of wholesale financial services in the European Union. The specific topic for this year’s report is the EU’s wholesale finance market and its various competitors under a range of differing scenarios, such as changing demographics, the rise of Asia and emerging market economies, the impact of regulation […]

Study on the Role and Regulation of Non-credit Institutions in EU Mortgage Markets

Client: EC DG Internal Market
Published: September, 2008

This study analyses non-credit institutions in EU Member State mortgage markets. The study identifies Member States where non-credit institutions are allowed to provide mortgage credit; provides information on the regulation and supervision of these undertakings; the funding techniques non-credit institutions are allowed to use; the size of the mortgage lending activities of non-credit institutions, both […]

Analysis of Developments in the Field of Direct Investment and M&A

Client: N/A
Published: November, 2008

This study examines first the developments in international capital flows, especially FDI, in 2007. Next, as a special topic, it undertakes an in-depth quantitative analysis of the difference in economic performance between domestically-owned and foreign-owned business in Europe. The performance indicators used in the analysis are turnover, employment and profitability in levels and over the […]

Evaluation of the CAP Policy on Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI)

Client: EC DG Agriculture
Published: November, 2008

The study is based on two elements. A descriptive part provides a detailed analysis of the development of the Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) schemes over the course of the evaluation period, including the regulatory framework and the implementation mechanism underpinning the schemes. The second part of the project focuses […]