Practice Area: | Competition & Antitrust |
Client: | EC DG Grow |
Published: | November, 2020 |
Tagged: | consumer EU firm behaviour qualitative analysis quantitative analysis report stakeholder surveys and consultations |
The study, commissioned by the EC Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and carried out by VVA Economics & Policy and LE Europe presents the results of a fact-finding mission on the effects of Territorial Supply Constraints (TSCs) on the Single Market as announced in the 2018 Communication A European retail sector fit for the 21st century. The report focuses on the Fast Moving Consumer Goods retail sector. It provides information on the prevalence and nature of TSCs in that market segment and the roles and the situation of different actors in the supply chain as well as possible reasons for TSCs. Next it examines quantitatively the potential impact of TSCs on consumers and finally examines whether digitalisation, in particular the growth of pure on-line or multichannel retail may mitigate any potential impacts of TSCs.
Final report: Study on territorial supply constraints in the EU retail sector
Executive summary: Study on territorial supply constraints in the EU retail sector