Practice Area: | Competition & Antitrust | Public Policy |
Client: | EC DG Agriculture |
Published: | November, 2008 |
Tagged: | EC/EEA qualitative analysis quantitative analysis report stakeholder surveys and consultations |
The study is based on two elements. A descriptive part provides a detailed analysis of the development of the Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) schemes over the course of the evaluation period, including the regulatory framework and the implementation mechanism underpinning the schemes.
The second part of the project focuses on the effectiveness of the PDO/PGI scheme and analysis in particular the use of the system over the evaluation period and its results and impacts. The main information sources for the evaluation were primary data available from the DG Agriculture and Member States, surveys of public authorities and consumers, and case studies in 10 Member States involving detailed surveys of producers and other stakeholders of the PDO/PGI value chain, consumer associations and public authorities.