Accompanying study to the EUROPEAN SME INNOVATION ASSOCIATE – PILOT ACTION – November 2019

Practice Area:
Client: ec-dg-easme
Published: November, 2019
Tagged: EU quantitative analysis report

The study undertaken by a consortium comprising CARSA, Ramboll, LE Europe, DIW Econ and Ecorys evaluates the functioning and impact of the pilot of the European SME Innovation Associate program. LE Europe estimated the scale of the program that would be required to address the skills gap currently faced by EU SMEs undertaking innovation activities and assessed the EU value added of the program. As background information for the evaluation, LE Europe also developed a detailed simulation multi-stage model linking R&D and/or innovation public programs to actual broader economic impacts. The parameters of the model were populated with data from the relevant academic literature and the model’s properties and result sensitivities were tested through Monte Carlo simulations.